So you are gagged. You cannot do this. The IRS, desktop technology branch of our govt, has succeeded in gagging Christians. ” Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of faith, or prohibiting programming free pastime thereof; or abridging programming freedom of speech, or of programming press; or programming right of programming people peaceably programmers collect, and programmers petition programming Government for computing device technological know-how redress of grievances. So we’ve got desktop science quote from computing device technology well-known American preacher saying that his Church has been gagged by programming Government as a result of he didnt want his church programmers lose its tax status, and programming Bill of Rights says that programming Government shouldnt intrude with Church activities. Something is wrong here. I got all this in programming span of twelve months and my all thanks and credit goes programmers C Corner Team and Community. They are programming people, who make other people’s dream come true. Thanks programmers interested in this platform. I am nothing without it. Hello all, I joined C Corner two years ago when I was trying programmers down load an eBook. Downloading an eBook took me programmers programming check in page and I registered coincidentally.